What is Classical Christian University Model Education?
Logos Academy of New Orleans is an ecumenical community of believers coming together with a common goal of classically educating our children in a loving Christian community. We agree that Scripture was divinely and unerringly revealed and our curriculum is designed to foster Biblical literacy, knowledge of church history, development of faith, and a Christian worldview. Logos does not teach catechetical material. However, students are encouraged (and sometimes required) to investigate their catechisms at home.
Classical education is the cultivation of wisdom and virtue through the study of the liberal arts and the Great Books. The liberal arts are the universal linguistic and mathematical skills students need to excel in every area of life. The Great Books are the means by which we pass on the cultural heritage of the Christian West. A mastery of both is the best way to prepare a child for a life of wisdom and virtue, and Memoria Press’ beautiful and comprehensive classical Christian curriculum provides the tools for mastering these two essential elements of education. (See Memoria Press)
Right order is the foundation of a classical education. The trivium, which consists of grammar, logic, and rhetoric forms students to order and use language well. The texts we use to practice and learn from are the great texts of Western Civilization. They have stood the test of time by serving both as examples of an excellent use of language and by presenting models of virtue. We add to this the study of Latin because it is the language of Western Civilization and because its study helps students to understand how language works. The quadrivium, which consists of arithmetic, geometry, music, and astronomy shows students the order of number in the abstract (arithmetic), in space (geometry and astronomy), and in sound (music).
University Model
A university model education uses fewer class hours than traditional schools, requiring children to complete the work at home under their parents' guidance. This allows students to spend more time with their families. Students in traditional grammar school are at school for about 37 hours per week. Our grammar school students have 16 hours per week of school (Mondays-Wednesdays). Our high schoolers have 24 hours per week of school (Mondays - Thursdays). Class size is capped at 12 students.
Logos Academy of New Orleans is an ecumenical community of believers coming together with a common goal of classically educating our children in a loving Christian community. We agree that Scripture was divinely and unerringly revealed and our curriculum is designed to foster Biblical literacy, knowledge of church history, development of faith, and a Christian worldview. Logos does not teach catechetical material. However, students are encouraged (and sometimes required) to investigate their catechisms at home.
Classical education is the cultivation of wisdom and virtue through the study of the liberal arts and the Great Books. The liberal arts are the universal linguistic and mathematical skills students need to excel in every area of life. The Great Books are the means by which we pass on the cultural heritage of the Christian West. A mastery of both is the best way to prepare a child for a life of wisdom and virtue, and Memoria Press’ beautiful and comprehensive classical Christian curriculum provides the tools for mastering these two essential elements of education. (See Memoria Press)
Right order is the foundation of a classical education. The trivium, which consists of grammar, logic, and rhetoric forms students to order and use language well. The texts we use to practice and learn from are the great texts of Western Civilization. They have stood the test of time by serving both as examples of an excellent use of language and by presenting models of virtue. We add to this the study of Latin because it is the language of Western Civilization and because its study helps students to understand how language works. The quadrivium, which consists of arithmetic, geometry, music, and astronomy shows students the order of number in the abstract (arithmetic), in space (geometry and astronomy), and in sound (music).
University Model
A university model education uses fewer class hours than traditional schools, requiring children to complete the work at home under their parents' guidance. This allows students to spend more time with their families. Students in traditional grammar school are at school for about 37 hours per week. Our grammar school students have 16 hours per week of school (Mondays-Wednesdays). Our high schoolers have 24 hours per week of school (Mondays - Thursdays). Class size is capped at 12 students.
Suggested Reading
What is Classical Education For? by Peter Kreeft
Top 10 Reasons for Studying Latin by Cheryl Lowe
Classical Education and Modern Science by Jerry Salyer
Tending the Heart of Virtue by Vigen Guroian
Climbing Parnassus by Tracy Lee Simmons
A Defence of Classical Education by R. W. Livingston
Suggested Videos
Andrew Kern on Classical Education, Part 1
Andrew Kern on Classical Education, Part 2
What is Classical Education?
Practical Reasons to Study Latin
Why learn Latin?